Father's Day

As a father, you have to be the bug killer, toy fixer, joke teller, scary sound silencer, bad dream rescuer, hide & seek finder, fort builder, high-five giver, and game inventor. But fatherhood is not quite the easy road that Ward Cleaver used to make it look like. It can be stressful, crazy, exhausting, confusing, embarrassing, scary, and many other things. Fatherhood is rewarding but it has its days. Days when you cannot seem to do anything right. Days when nothing goes the way you want it to. Days when you made corn dogs and macaroni & cheese for lunch but they wanted chicken. (That last one is from personal experience) And there are days to where you are at the brink of tears. And there are quiet times where you think to yourself “Am I a good enough to do this dad thing?” We have all been there, I know I have! Sometimes it can be a real struggle. But no matter how many “bad” days you have, there are the days where you get tackled at the doo...